Sunday, January 01, 2006

The adventures of two sistas on the loose...

It seems that, no matter what we do, Becca and I always end up with adventure. There was the time we she and I visited Asheville the weekend before Halloween because I wanted yarn from Earth Guild--and ended up walking around the middle of a pagan street party. And they looked at us like we were crazy. No matter that some of them were not... normal.

That was also the trip where we walked into a cool furniture store--and the salesperson called God a she. We tried to correct his ignorance. He said he thought we believed this--because we had long hair. (WHAT?! --go figure.) And then we went to a cafe, and got seated with another person who was not... normal. He got a little uncomfortable when we started sharing our ideas on life, though he was perfectly happy to share his own. (LOL!)

But I digress... I was actually talking about our most recent trip--to Cumberland Island.

It was beautiful--as always. Too bad I forgot my decent cameras.. and had to go to WallyWorld for disposables. I think I was still able to get a few good shots, but I will be pretty amazed if there are any really good ones in the bunch. I missed my SLR.

We'd planned to drive half the night on Wednesday, sleep in the car, and then eat at "the breakfast place"--but I didn't feel like it. Instead, we came in on Thursday, , had awesome shrimp fresh from the boat and pretty good fish (the place had great food, but no atmosphere--lol--), then went to WalMart for all the things I needed, that I forgot, and then stayed at a great B&B.

This was the first vacation in a looong time that I've brought just one pair of shoes on. But it wasn't by choice. I simply forgot my tennis shoes. Soooo... I ended up wearing my Danskos on the island. Becca was soooo afraid I would step in horse poop especially because mine are backless--but I managed to keep my head out of the clouds and eyes on the ground enough to miss it. And my feet didn't hurt! (Sharon--you should be very proud of me--even if it was only by chance of my forgetful self! )

We took our traditional nap on the beach, and the gulls tried to scare us out of our lunch--and we got to go places on the Island I'd never been. we came back through sea camp, for old time's sake.

(I'll post pictures when I get them developed.)

I think our adventure for this trip started when we heard the rooster crow.

No, not at dawn--as we were getting off the ferry in St. Mary's. I thought some dilatory parent had allowed their child to take an electronic toy on the island. Becca looked around for the rooster.
Then, we both heard the man right behind us, in a DEEP southern accent, say:

"Y-ello? Oh--yeh, we just got awf th' furry in Saint Mair-ees."

Yes, it was his cell phone.


I'd not heard the like.

Our adventure then became too-be-continued--for about four hours.

We took the long way home, going through Savannah for food and Bannanna Republic--But first we rode around downtown for 30 minutes looking for a parking space. Then, and only then could we got on the waiting list at Lady and Son's, and then return to Bannanna Republic--just in time for it to close. Bleh.

We had a great time at Lady and Sons, a La Paula Deen--Shrimp and Grits and fried green tomatoes this time. This time, the great food also had great atmosphere--lolo! We also got free desert, because they took too long to give us our food.

And then our adventure started in earnest. It was already 8:45, and we knew we weren't getting home until one in the morn'. So we called momma and warned her--and then promptly got lost in the city. Neither Becca nor I know Savannah that well--and we ended up on the wrong side of town. I was driving, and Becca was trying to navigate... and well, the results weren't good. We ended up in some pretty seedy neighborhoods. An hour later, when we finally made it on the road to home, I was really relieved to be safe and in one piece.

We got in at 2:30. I was worthless the next day--need I say more?
I'm still trying to decide if the trip was worth it, fun though it was.

Hmmm--It was wonderful to be on the island again, that's for sure.

And before I forget--Happy New Year to everyone!

May God's goodness and mercy be upon you always--and more in this year than the last. May we all grow in grace an knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

~God Bless~

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