Monday, January 16, 2006



Sis. Sam--you're a blessing to all of us. Thank you for being our friend and encouraging us in the Lord. May God richly bless your day and your life in this following year!

Along with Sis. Sam's birthday, today is MLK day.

And today's a holiday from school!

(A couple of years ago, South Carolina made a compromise with the NAACP--we could keep our rebel flag, as long as we gave a holiday for MLK. Twisted, but true!)

This is for all you that aren't Southern, and might not know what it looks like.


I'm really grateful for the holiday though-- If I hadn't had it, I would have been in deeep water about this time-- because I ran over to Atlanta on Saturday to see a good friend I'd not seen since her wedding. It was great to see Sharon and Ben and Renee, and Bob and Moni, Esther and Zachary--and Bro. Bob and Sis. Shelley--and, of course, Lavinia!!!

But since I didn't get a chance to grade papers or plan on Saturday-- I wouldn't have been ready for this upcoming week.

Has anyone taken the opportunity to play with party horns since they became an adult?

I hadn't until this weekend--and I laughed until I cried--! It was tremendous fun. Y'all should try it; you really should!

God Bless you all!

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