Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wedding, Meanderings, Teaching--Students... BLEH!

Okay y'all... I'm back from the wedding, and I'm on a different blog for this simple reason... I've a student who's invaded my private life, and is currently signing my blog. I can block her from commenting on my site, but I can't do much else (at least with my limited knowledge of computers, etcetera.)

So... to blogspot I will go... to blogspot I will go... (hehe!!)

At least for a bit. This student (the one that I happened to be stupid enough to give her my URL--yes I will admit it was my stupidity and my mistake...) will not be staying in my class forever... she's going to be moving to FL in about a month. Sooo... I might start posting back on xanga in a month. I like it better than blogspot... I can make it pretty without using a template! (as if that were the only reason for having a blog... (grin)

And at least this way, some of my fab fam can comment on this site (ahem--SHARON!) -- (jk)

The wedding was beautiful, and we got everything done, amazingly enough!!! I still feel as if I owe Lavinia's sister, Doina, a huge thanks for all she did. I really don't think I would have finished the sleeves (or been in any state to sing, much less growl, the next day) without her help. You can check out pictures on Sam's site. Especially check out the sleeves of our dresses, since Momma and I fixed them with narry a pattern for the sleeve hole armicyst! (Well, except for Lisa's, where I used her own pattern, because I forgot to measure where her shoulder met her arm in the hustle to insert her side panels... Not that anyone wants to know that(!!!)

Coming back to school the next day, however, wasn't so peachy... [grrr]... It was not a good teaching day. I'm seriously wondering if I'm cut out for this profession. There's so much I need to learn.
And I proved Rebecca's words right. Coming back from vacation the night before you have to teach means that you're going to have a bad day, and it will be especially bad if your students were bad for the substitute--as my first period was. BLEH! The REST of my classes got doughnuts for their good behavior. First period got none, as well as being in the "Wrath o'Ms. R------" for almost the entire period.... I hope they learned their lesson.

On a happier note, now that I am 23, I find it's not so bad... lol! When I compare myself to the experience and age of the teachers that I work around, I'm a baby--and I find that my students don't think 23 is so old, either... : --That can be good and bad...

I've got to get off and grade papers, Since grades are due wayyyy too soon for the first nine weeks.

And since this is my "first" post, let me end by saying may God bless and keep everyone who sees this.


New Mommy said...

Hey Marie, I finally checked out your essay, ahem, I mean, your blog. I love your template! Yes, even better than your Xanga one. Hey, html ain't so bad now and then. Check out

Anonymous said...

"or been in any state to sing, much less growl, the next day"

should be...

"or been in any state to growl, much less sing, the next day"

Do you teaches any englishes? :)

Marie said...
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Marie said...

Ben, be quiet... what does it matter?! But if it makes you feel any better, I do realize you are right... (grin)

Yes, I do TEACH ENGLISH... but I can't spell, as we are all very aware...

That's the reason my students get candy for finding mistakes on the board. :)