Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Field Trip Tomorrow...

And I'm already tired thinking about it. Lol-- I'd be tired, even if I didn't have the trip tomorrow, though. Grades are due, and so far, that is the one thing I have not been able to master--getting grades in on time. It's on the lines of pulling teeth, especially when there are essays in the mix... lol... as they are right now.

But anyway--Bright and early tomorrow morning, my students and I (along with all the students and teachers on my team, as well as a good many parents) are headed to a fun time--an Aquarium, a Science Center, and a big CITY!! They're so excited... but, considering the excitement, they did pretty well today. One of my boys told me, "Today's the longest day of my life... and tomorrows going to be the shortest!" Lol--My guess is, he feels that way about summer too.

On top of this, SACS came to our school today. For those of you who haven't been involved with the school system, this is an accreditation program whereby schools are declared good or bad--it's not too fun. The evaluator came into my classroom for about five minutes, talked to my one, most difficult, trying, and needy student--and I hope that's not the only impression of my classroom she got. She left a good note; that's all I know.

I sound tired--I wouldn't be so complain-y, otherwise--but I do want to mention the services this weekend... Even though Sharon's already filled you in! I do thank God for a Holy-Ghost filled church, and for the blessings God bestows on us. There was such a Holy, reverent atmosphere at the end of Sunday morning's service--I didn't want to leave. There are times when the presence of the Lord comes in, and just bathes us with His goodness and mercy, and you know that, despite all of your trials, you are His. And you rest in that Holy atmosphere. It just makes me want to draw closer to Him, in my every-day experience... not just when we're in church.

Something my pastor once said has really stuck with me: he said, It's not who you are in church that proves who you really are. It's the everyday, hard walk--where you make the decision to depend on the Lord--or not. It's that time on which the atmosphere and anticipation for a service is built. And if we want that atmosphere, we must seek it in our everyday lives. I don't know if this really expresses what I mean, but I'm trying. You see, since I started teaching, it's become harder to carve out the time to seek God's face before the day starts, and I begin my morning's rush-to-school. God forgive me; I often run out the door without seeking His face. It's not that I want to. It's that I feel caught in the "Lack of Sleep and Time" machine.

I guess, in a way, I'm asking for your prayers. That I would be able to carve the time out--to make the sacrifice--to break through before the day starts. So that, when I walk into church, no matter the time or tiredness, I'm ready to meet the Lord of Hosts like we did last Sunday.

God Bless you all.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Oh, I want to HEAR ev'ry message clear... I want ev'ry word to CONSUME-- For If I make it in, I must draw CLOSER to Him-- Closer, Closer... Draw Closer to HIM.

Posted via web from marielenora's posterous

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Oh, LORD, you're BEAUTIFUL... your FACE is all I SEE. For when your EYES are on this child... Your GRACE abounds... to me.

E-10 010 I don't believe that anybody can look in the face of a flower and say there's no God. If he does, there's something mentally wrong with the person. How is one red, the other one white, and the other one yellow, and it's all the same flower, same kind. Where does the color come from? The same sun that shines on the white one, makes the red one red. Where does that color come from? God.
Do you believe that God is in His universe? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Can you see a rainbow without thinking of what God said? The many colors in the rainbow, it's a covenant. Before the antediluvian destruction it wasn't there, but God put the humidity in the earth now, that makes it that way. Take a three cornered piece of glass, stand right into the sun, it'll produce seven perfect colors.

E-11 011 The reason our sins are covered by blood, blood is a--a danger sign to us... Or red is a danger sign to us, but it's also a sign of redemption. There's a red streak of Blood winding its way all the way through the Bible. You can take red, and look through red at red, and it looks white. Red through red looks white. Though your sins be as scarlet, God looks through the Blood of Jesus; they're as white as snow. Hallelujah.
He doesn't see sin anymore. When you confess your sins, and took the Blood of Jesus, sin problem is over. God is looking through red and you look white as snow.
Sometime ago in my homeland... I'm a hunter, and I ride much on a range with cattle. And one--one year I was way up in the mountains. I just love it. My mother is a half Indian. There's enough about me to make me love nature. I can see the sun set. I weep. See it rise, and I can weep, the great white-capped mountains, beautiful... Man hasn't touched it. That's the way God made it. To me it's prettier than all the big houses in the world. Houses is what manmade. Mountains is what God made. I like what He likes.

Posted via web from marielenora's posterous