Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thanksgiving pros and cons...

The Pro's:

  • Ziplock's XL bags for the brine
  • 1 hour of brine time per one pound of turkey (at least!)
  • Recipe for Cider-Brined Turkey

    (Other than the hair which is sticking up in all directions from a morning of cooking--'ya see what I mean?)
Anduille Dressing--and Cidery Gibblet Pan Gravy-- (yum...)
It's all about the butter... LOL!
(and I'm sorry about any inane advertisements before the video)
No Black Friday shopping
Family filling the house
The Lord's blessings.

The Con's:

Did we really have to do two Thanksgivings on Thursday?
I didn't get to try out a recipe or two for Saturday because we had so much left over from Thursday...
Getting up at 5 for the turkey.
The NY Times turkey-cutting techniques that I didn't get to try. (sigh.)
Someone did it for me while I forgot to put the yeast in the rolls.
(That hasn't happened to me since I first started baking WhlWht Bread.)
I'm really good at making a mess in the kitchen.

I hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!

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