Monday, December 31, 2007

Year-End Review in Pictures:

7-7 Now, straight to the Word. Before let's just give a little word of thanks to the Lord Jesus.
Our heavenly Father, we're just so grateful today for the--for You down here in this modern age, in the age of automobiles, airplanes, jets, the rockets, and--and all kind of science: telephone, television, and a modern atomic weapons, and so forth. You are still the supreme, almighty, omnipotent, omniscient God that created the heavens and earth and patterned out the sky. God, we can't explain it. We can't explain it. Neither can we explain why the sky doesn't have an end, how the world can revolve around, and so perfect till twenty years before, they can tell when the eclipse of the sun is coming; because Your machinery works exact. We can't produce a piece of machinery to be that exact. Oh, but great Jehovah, Who holds this earth here in space, it's perfect. And we love You, and all Your doings are just and right.
And we submit ourselves to Thee this morning, the beginning of this new year, and ask that You fill us all with the Holy Spirit, Lord, and draw us close to Thee; and may Thy everlasting arms be around us and hold us, Lord, for the days are shaking and dark, but the Morning Star is leading the way. We shall follow, Lord. Where He leads me, I will follow. If it be some through the waters, some through the flood, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood.

8-1 O God, lead us by Thy everlasting hand until the victory finally is won, and Jesus returns to the earth. Sin, sickness, and sorrow will be ended, and we'll live this glorious millennium with Thee. We're longing for that great day. Come, Lord Jesus, to Thy Word today. Get into It. Circumcise the lips that speak, and the hearts that hear. And may the seed fall into the heart where the Holy Spirit will sow it, and bring forth a hundredfold. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May God richly bless you all.

Posted via web from marielenora's posterous

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thanksgiving pros and cons...

The Pro's:

  • Ziplock's XL bags for the brine
  • 1 hour of brine time per one pound of turkey (at least!)
  • Recipe for Cider-Brined Turkey

    (Other than the hair which is sticking up in all directions from a morning of cooking--'ya see what I mean?)
Anduille Dressing--and Cidery Gibblet Pan Gravy-- (yum...)
It's all about the butter... LOL!
(and I'm sorry about any inane advertisements before the video)
No Black Friday shopping
Family filling the house
The Lord's blessings.

The Con's:

Did we really have to do two Thanksgivings on Thursday?
I didn't get to try out a recipe or two for Saturday because we had so much left over from Thursday...
Getting up at 5 for the turkey.
The NY Times turkey-cutting techniques that I didn't get to try. (sigh.)
Someone did it for me while I forgot to put the yeast in the rolls.
(That hasn't happened to me since I first started baking WhlWht Bread.)
I'm really good at making a mess in the kitchen.

I hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!