Five-Minute Friday: Back and Forward
It tastes like regret, leaving what I've been doing for the past two years. It fits so well with my belief that students need to know there's a life outside the place that they live, and to understand their own culture well enough to not feel threatened by others'.
But I'm back to the ELA classroom-- teaching specifically writing.
I'll miss the sweetness of sixth graders. I'll miss starting over in the middle of the year. I'll miss teaching something I can conjure curriculum for out of my brain and imagination and creativity.
But I'm looking forward to the writing process. I'm looking forward to conferencing with students once more. I'm looking to strengthening students as individuals, and hopefully as life-long learners.
And once again, I feel that panic: I'm not good enough. I'll fall flat on my face. And, of course, I'm not. I will. Which means, I return to my ultimate source, and depend on Him. Without him, I'm sure to fail.