The sun is streaming through the window in the kitchen as I write this post. It seems like the promise of summer. A summer that starts in two short days. Tomorrow, students will stream out of school, released for 2 1/2 months, driving their parents crazy, rather than their teachers.
And then, it's back to the drawing board again.
This time of year is always a bit hard. Not from the perspective that school's ending, but that my mistakes of the year seem to stand in black-and-white relief. And, while I resolve to do better, be better next year, I also realize my humanity--and how that in itself inhibits me from doing and being all I wish.
I signed my contract with some trepidation this year. I prayed over it; agonized over it. And at one point, declared I wasn't coming back to teaching. (Of course, that was while I was taking two graduate-level courses and was extremely stressed out.) But the problem with changing jobs is that you have to figure out your next step--what you're going to do. And that sort of next step is not easy for me. So I signed my contract for next year in faith that the Lord would lead me out, if I needed an out. And I'm trusting that He'll lead me through.
But for now, my mother's roses are in bloom. And then the gardenias will soon perfume the air. And I've got the summer to look forward to. And a God to serve and praise.
And He leads me beside still waters--somewhere in the valley below
And He draws me aside to be tested and tried; in the valley He restoreth my soul